Tag: electric vehicles
High-Voltage Battery Simulator and Test Systems Critical for Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Development
Randall Beattie
SAKOR, Technologies, Inc.
High voltage battery simulator and test systems are essential for conducting testing of the high voltage DC power systems that are such a critical element of electric (EV) and hybrid/electric (HEV) vehicles. To accurately test a high voltage hybrid or electric drivetrain, you need to be able to provide precise, repeatable high-voltage DC power. Read more about High-Voltage Battery Simulator and Test Systems Critical for Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Development …
Usable Energy: Key to Determining the True Cost of Advanced Lithium Ion Battery Systems for Electric Vehicles
Glenn Denomme, Vice President of Engineering, A123 Systems, Inc.
The success of the passenger electric vehicle industry relies heavily on reducing cost. Wide-spread consumer adoption of battery-electric vehicles (BEVs) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) is only a possibility when these cars offer both a competitive initial cost and lower total cost of ownership over the life of the vehicle. To sustain long-term cost-competitiveness, automakers and suppliers must focus on reducing manufacturing costs, starting with the lithium ion battery systems that power these vehicles. Read more about Usable Energy: Key to Determining the True Cost of Advanced Lithium Ion Battery Systems for Electric Vehicles …
The Challenges of Manufacturing Lithium-Ion Batteries for the Electric Vehicle Industry
Stuart Paterson, Doug Withers, Rebecca Trengove, Axeon
Over the last few years lithium-ion has become the battery chemistry of choice for the new generation of electric, hybrid and plug-in hybrid vehicles. However, manufacturing such high power batteries is considerably more complex than that of smaller packs. This article seeks to outline some of the challenges that we believe face the industry, based on our experience both as a designer and manufacturer of electric vehicle (EV) batteries and having managed the manufacture and complete system integration of batteries for several customers to their design. Read more about The Challenges of Manufacturing Lithium-Ion Batteries for the Electric Vehicle Industry …