BATTERY POWER NEWS | Celina Mikolajczak joined the 2020 International Battery Seminar Virtual event representing Panasonic Energy of North America (PENA) to give an update on the battery production at…
BATTERY POWER NEWS | Solar cell researchers have created a highly efficient and long-lasting solar-flow battery, which is a way to generate, store, and redeliver…
BATTERY POWER INSIGHTS | Who's responsible for battery management system (BMS) testing? The vehicle OEM, the cell/module/pack supplier, and/or the contract manufacturer? This is a…
BATTERY POWER BRIEF | Researchers at the Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden believe the bodies of electric cars can be utilized to operate as…
BATTERY POWER PRODUCTS | Omnicharge has launched its newest offering via Indiegogo, the Omni Ultimate: a portable power bank that is powerful enough to charge…